شركة رباح لصناعة البلاستيك هي شركة خصوصية محدودة تأسست في العام ١٩٨٧ لتكون الاولى من نوعها في فلسـطين والتي تعمل في مجال انتاج اكياس البلاستيك ...
اقرأ المزيد
تمتاز شركة رباح للبلاستيك بخطوط انتاج متعددة التشغيل لانتاج أكياس بلاستيك متعددة الاحجام. ...
اقرأ المزيد
لدى شركة رباح لصناعة البلاستيك فريق ذو خبرة كبيرة ومتخصصة في الهندسة الصناعية ...
اقرأ المزيد
In this tutorial you will learn some information about bags and different printing color methods.
These days, marketing your product line with the best quality bag is important to stand out from others.
Want to ask a technical question about our products, pricing and printing or have questions about your order. Don't hesitate to contact us with all your questions and concerns. Our customer support is able to help you with all your needs with high professionalism ...
أكياس و طباعة
عالية الجودة
At Rabah Plastics, we pride ourselves in creating high quality bags and printing. [ a bit of info to go here about new machine ]
Productivity Capacity. Rabah Plastics Company has a highly professional and talented team that is specialized in the field of industrial engineering.
In order to meet the high demand of the local and foreign marketplace, the company runs a 24 hour a day on a shift basis. Rabah Plastics Company started operations with 2 lines and has since expanded the production line and operates 6 production lines.